1 December 2012

Canon EOS 1100D

Please meet the new love of my life (sorry Adam). It's my NEW DSLR - my Canon EOS 1100D. Isn't she b-e-a-utiful! I have wanted a camera like this for years, but never really had a good enough reason, or had the money cause let's face it - they ain't cheap!

But when I started blogging my lust for one grew and grew until I coveted every one I saw. Well, my lovely incredible amazing (gush) boyfriend suggested that he get me one for our 5 year anniversary - well who was I to say no! I don't think he actually realised how much they would be.. but we found one that was within our budget (I had to get him a TV for the same price) and one that I fell in love with.

It's really light to hold and I love the look and feel of it. It doesn't look too complicated (granted I am still learning) and it has a macro function which is what I felt I needed for the blog. Not only that, but I now have this beauty in time for New York next week! So get ready for some incredible photos - if I do say so myself!

Anywho, I just wanted to show off my new baby ... would you guys judge me if I fell asleep curled up to it? Hmm, yes Adam said he would too...

Also - happy 1st of December! I hope you're all enjoying the first door of your advent calendars! Where on earth did November go?!

What do you think? I need name suggestions to - throw some at me!


1 comment

  1. This camera is beautiful, I'm currently on the hunt for my first DSLR (I have a little saving fund lol). Do you have any camera suggestions?



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