I've not bought as many new products, or explored as many new products this year as I have previously, but I think it's because I'm really committing to products much more now, so I have fallen in love with some amazing products that I want to share with you.
31 December 2015
30 December 2015
Life | Goodbye 2015... Hello 2016
I swear each year goes quicker and quicker and this one was no exception. I thought 2014 was a year that couldn't be topped, however 2015 did a pretty good job of trying. I have some great memories of this year, and I can't wait to see what 2016 brings.
28 December 2015
Beauty | Getting the Winter Glow
I really do love the festive season, everything is so sparkly and everything glows. So why should you make up be any different? Don't worry, I'm not asking you to glitterfy your face, but using a good highlighter to help make you cheeks glow and healthy looking is the perfect addition to your festive face this season.
20 December 2015
Life | Christmas Mementos
I don't think I've ever had a themed Christmas growing up, no colour scheme, not party themes, nothing. One thing we've always had though is meaningful decorations, and this is something I'm bringing into my own home. Completely and forever.
9 December 2015
Home | Yankee Candle Advent Calendar
I have a bit of a thing about advent calendars, I absolutely love them, and until this year I had only ever had chocolate ones. This year however was different. Not only did I get the traditional Lindt calendars which is proudly stationed on my desk, I also got a lovely Benefit one that sings to me and this beaut.
7 December 2015
Beauty | Baylis & Harding Christmas Gift Guide
Well would you look at that, it's December and I well into my advent calendars. Christmas can be stressful, mainly thinking about what to get people.. So hopefully if you're looking for Secret Santa's, or girly friends this little Baylis & Harding Gift Guide will put some ideas into your head.
6 December 2015
Life | Fleur de Force Glam Guide Review
There are so many blogger books out there, and one day I will do a full round up. However, there's one I've recently been given that I have fallen somewhat in love with and would highly recommend to anyone who is just looking for a book around beauty tips, fashion guides and lifestyle guru moments.
4 December 2015
The Life | Taking a Christmassy Moment
Sometimes you just need to take some time, and that's what I've been doing. Taking some time to step back and just breathe. Well, breathe from the blog anyway. That's not a bad thing, sometimes if you take a few moments and just do nothing with something it can be the best thing you can do.
5 November 2015
Beauty | Handbag Essentials
I recently did a massive clear out of my bag when I started my new job this week but I was sure to keep all my beauty essentials in my bag in the cutest little make up bag. It really is quite a simple selection, however I always think if you have a good make up routine then you're not going to need too much throughout the day.
3 November 2015
Style | Typical Weekend Autumnal Style
I absolutely love autumn style, mainly because I get to wear things like this. I absolutely love throwing a baggy jumper or cardigan over a dress or skirt, it's just so comfortable but I also think it can look very simple and stylish as well. This is definitely my typical autumn weekend uniform.
2 November 2015
Beauty | Product of the Month: October
Favourites posts are a massive thing in the blogging world, and whilst I love watching them I find it really hard to switch it up every month as I do use a lot of the same products. So I've decided to switch it up a bit and will instead just be choosing one product a month that I've loved more than anything else.
1 November 2015
Wedding | Engagement Photos
You may have seen a few weeks ago I put up a post about the make up I put together for our engagement/pre-wedding shoot. Well now it's time to reveal the photos themselves. I'm so happy with the results and I couldn't be more excited to see what our amazing photographer does on the day.
30 October 2015
Beauty | Fighting Tired & Blemish Prone Skin
For the past few weeks I've been having major skin issues. I was incredibly tired, I was stressed and pushed to my limit, and it was reflecting on my skin. I have spots breaking out everywhere, dry patches galore and it just looked incredibly dull. Thankfully I have a ridiculous amount of skincare products in storage and I found just the products to sort me out.
27 October 2015
Life | Saying Goodbye
25 October 2015
Food | Autumnal Cinnamon Cookies
Totally on the opposite scale to healthy eating, I decided to cook up some autumnal treats. and nothing says autumn more than cinnamon. So I had a look through some recipes and cooked up my own version of these very yummy, light and tasty biscuits (or cookies... depending on what you want to call them).
22 October 2015
Style | The Autumn Hat
I feel like I am so behind the times on this one but I'm so in love with my new hat. I've seen a few people wearing this style of hat and have been coveting for ages, so I just bit the bullet and went and got myself one from Topshop. I love it, I basically live in it and I think it's perfect for this autumnal weather.
21 October 2015
Beauty | Budget Autumn Face
Autumn is officially here. The brisk mornings, the fallen leaves and the start of Strictly and X Factor. This also brings around the change in colour palettes dominating my make up drawers. Corals and pastels move to the bottom and back of the drawers, whist berries and bronzer s find their way to the front. With that in mind I created an autumnal make up look, which I've fallen in love with.
20 October 2015
Health | A Simple & Healthy Daily Lunch
As part of my healthy diet I needed to sort out my lunch time habits. Taking lunch into work can be annoying, and honestly you probably usually end up going for the easiest option. However, I've decided that from now on I'll be popping together a healthy lunch to last me the week each weekend. Something simple I can take it that's tasty, and also healthy.
19 October 2015
Beauty | Cheeky Zoella Beauty Haul
I have to admit, when Zoella first launched her beauty products I was really excited and very happy for her, but I never really felt the need to rush down to Superdrug and buy it all. It may have been because I was more make up obsessed at that point. However, after the launch of some of her newer products I felt the need to put in an order. Finally.
18 October 2015
Life | A New Start in Autumn
This autumn is all about new starts for me, in many different ways. I love autumn, the crisp mornings, cosy candles, return of favourite tv shows, and many birthdays. Therefore it only seems right that my favourite season is also the catalyst for a brand new way of thinking.
16 October 2015
The Favourites | Budget Autumn Lip Shades
It's that time of year where the weather's getting colder, nights are getting darker and mornings are getting less and less tolerable. This also means it's gotten to that time of the year where nails get more muted, skin gets paler and lips get darker. Because of this I thought it was time I had a good old rummage through my lipstick draw and picked out my top five autumn shades.
15 October 2015
The Hack | Easy Smokey Eye - Or Is It?
I do love a smoky eye, however sometimes it's never as easy as it looks. A natural smoky eye is definitely one of those things. It looks great when it's done right, but it can look slightly drag queen-ish if it's overdone. It is very easy to look overdone. So when I found a hack on pinterest to make it easy as, I decided to give it a go...
13 October 2015
The How To | Matching Bridesmaids Make Up to Dress
I don't know if you know this but I'm getting married next year and I'm getting to the stage of bridesmaid dress shopping. Choosing a dress that every one of your bridesmaids will be happy in is damn near impossible and there are so many different options now that you're spoilt for choice. Then, when you've finally chosen your dress comes the next hard part - choosing the make up to go with it.
11 October 2015
The Review | Nuxe Creme Prodigieuse DD Creme
I'm always a bit sceptical of alphabet creams - BB, CC, now DD? Is there an EE yet that I just haven't seen? Anyway, while I was in France this summer I wanted to try some Nuxe products and decided to pick up their new DD cream. But what does a DD cream actually do?
9 October 2015
The Dupe | Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush v Max Factor Creme Puff Blush
These blushes are both probably two of the most hyped up of the past twelve months, and it's quite easy to see how and why this has happened. It's also easy to see visually how similar they really look on first impressions. Literally, if you took them out of the packaging you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I also absolutely LOVE both products.
3 October 2015
How To | Engagement Shoot Make Up
When I first booked my photographer and was told we got a complimentary engagement shoot I was really quite excited. It wasn't until the actual day that I thought ah - on the wedding day I get someone professional to make me up, but no, not today. Today I do it myself. So, I had to think of a fair few things before I put my face on.
30 September 2015
The Favourites | Bath Time Buddies
I really have been enjoying baths lately. Since I've moved into my own home I try to have one once a week as I find it's really relaxing, and just really rejuvinating. Sunday nights are always a good time, just before Monday madness. It wasn't until recently that I noticed I actually use different products for bath time than shower time, and my bath time products have been constant for a long while now.
28 September 2015
The Life | Round Up #1
I know I know, I made this blog a beauty only zone a few weeks ago - and it still is. However, I've missed sharing bits of my life with you... So I thought I'd go back to sharing a bit of a round up Monday mornings of my life the previous week...
26 September 2015
The Haul | Lush Bathbombs
I do love a Lush bath. I do find them really relaxing and I really do look forward to them. Pop a bath bomb in, a little bit of bubbles and stick Netflix on my laptop. Then soak. What more could you want? I realised as I went to have a bath the other day I had run out of bombs, shock horror, which of course meant I had to go and pick up some new ones...
24 September 2015
The Review | Cosmopolitan's Debut Fragrance
Something very exciting came through my door the other day. When I was asked to review a fragrance I was like sure, why not. Then when I found out it was Cosmopolitans debut fragrance I got really quite excited. I do love a good copy of Cosmo, so the idea of epitomising the cosmo woman into a scent? Sounds like a plan to me.
21 September 2015
The Haul | Space NK Mini Spree
Not going to lie, this really was a very mini spree! I had some points to spend on my N.Dulge card so I decided to put them to good use and chose a couple of products I'd never tried before, but really wanted to. Luckily, there was also a deal on at the time as well so I got even more pennies off. It was definitely a meant to be kind of an order.
18 September 2015
15 September 2015
The Dupe | Benefit Hoola v Topshop Mohawke Bronzer
It's always a good day when I think I've found a dupe. I do love my Benefit Hoola bronzer - so much I've actually hit pan. Which fills me with joy for the fact that I never do this, and also dread because it means I'm close to have to repurchasing - which at £23.50 isn't a cheap re-buy. So when I started using a new bronzer that basically looked identical? Well...
12 September 2015
The Hack | Using Red Lipstick to Hide Dark Circles
When I saw this hack I was a bit stumped. I've heard of colour correcting, obviously, but I had just never ever thought to put red lipstick under my eyes. Has anyone else? Anyway, this hack seems to be everywhere I look at the moment so I thought I had better give it a good go and report back...
26 August 2015
The How To | Five Product Face (Revisited)
I was looking through old posts the other day and came across one that was a five product face. The idea now is truly petrifying so I definitely wanted to give this another whirl. This is perfect for those days where I'm working from home, or in a rush - I still manage to get the basics done.
25 August 2015
The Review | Caudalie Beauty Elixir
I know, I am so behind the curve on this product. Like four years behind? Probably, something like that. Even now, I'm only on the travel sized version. But the point is, I finally crumbled at a SpaceNK counter and added it to my bag, which means I finally got to find out if it's worth all the hype.
24 August 2015
The Favourites | Budget Nude Lipsticks
I go through phases with lip shades, I do love a good bright lip, but sometimes a nude lipstick is the only accessory you need. At the moment as much as I love a good bright, I've been reaching for a nude every day and I love it.
20 August 2015
The Review | Bourjois Aqua Blush
I'm really into blushes at the moment, I'm not sure HOW it suddenly happened. One minute I really wasn't bothered, and then suddenly BAM - give me all the blushes in the world. Oh yeah, hello blushes. For me summer blushes are all about creams, so when Bourjois bought out these little beauties I was right there.
19 August 2015
The Haul | French Pharmacie Finds
Have I mentioned that I went on holiday? I have, opps, sorry! Well I went to France and found a little pharmacie - I got very excited and decided to go in and have a little look and spend some of my hard earned pennies (in this case... euro's). I dragged Adam in with me, he didn't quite appreciate it as much as me. Men... I thought I would show you guys what I picked up!
18 August 2015
The Review | Joan Collins "I Am Woman"
I'm going to be the first to hold up my hands and say I am not an expert in fragrances, however, I do have a few choice favourites and I can definitely appreciate a great little find. I have some I use for summer, and some for winter, and the winter ones are where I'm lacking so I was really happy when this beauty fell in my lap.
17 August 2015
The How To | Easy Holiday Hair
Once thing I love about going on holiday is what it does to my hair. I've recently come back from a week away in a chateau, where I spent my entire time sat by a pool. For me, this meant air dry hair with sun and I just feel like my hair is always happier on holiday. Which sounds weird... Yes?
16 August 2015
The Blogger Post | T&M Rejuvinated
I've been contemplating my blog and it's future over the past couple of weeks. Not so much as to whether or not I'll quit, I don't think that will ever happen, but more where I go from here. So this is a cheers to the start of a newer, more focused T&M.
31 July 2015
The Review | Laura Mercier Lip Parfait Creamy Colourbalm
I'm going to admit that I've never really explored much in Laura Mercier, just the Oil-Free Tinted Moisturiser. However, when I went to repurchase said base I came across something new from Laura Mercier that I just had to try it. I do love me a good new lip product, and this one ticked all the right boxes for a gorgeous new holiday lipstick.
30 July 2015
The Favourites | July Beauty & Non-Beauty Video
A lot of what I've been loving in July beauty-wise is the same as what I was loving back in June, there's not much new pieces to really talk about. So I decided to try something I haven't done just yet and put some non-beauty favourites in there as well.
29 July 2015
The Wedding Post | What Type of Venue is for You?
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Image sourced from Google |
28 July 2015
The How To | Transition into Summer
Whether it's summer or winter, I have a few products I make sure I use in each season. Why? Because different products are suited to different climates, and not only that, but your skin changes with the seasons as well. Leaves may go greener in summer, but my skin definitely gets oilier, which means I can't use some products I use in the colder months.
27 July 2015
The Haul | Holiday Beauty Bits
I'm off on holiday in a couple of weeks so I had to pop out and get some essentials before I go, you know, important things like lipstick...
24 July 2015
The Review | L'Oreal Infallible Matte Foundation
Finding the perfect base is always difficult, especially one from the cheaper end of the scale. Harder than that is finding the perfect colour match - but that's a tale for another day. Finding a base that ticks all your boxes is a great day, and this particular foundation seems to be having a major moment right now, but does it tick those boxes?
21 July 2015
The Review | The Perfect Range for Oily Skin
Oily skin is something I've always struggled with, especially when it starts getting warmer and well, just sweatier. Those date nights when you want to look amazing? Yeah, forget that - hello oily/skinny mess! However, I've been using a skincare range lately that I've been loving in this heat lately. And guess what, it's ever so affordable...
17 July 2015
The Review | Matching Lips to Nails #2
About two years ago I did a post all about matching my lips to my nails, I used a raspberry pink for both and I loved the look, hello colour. Summer has come back around so I thought I'd do the same, especially as these pretty beauties not only match, but they're the same colour...
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