3 February 2015

The Life Post | How to Love your Bath

Up until a couple of months ago I was not a bath person in the slightest and I definitely didn't see the fuss around getting all the Lush bath bombs or spending an hour in your own dirt... Hmm. Well, since I moved into my own house and had access to my own bath I've managed to convert myself. At the moment there is nothing nicer to me then spending a good house just chilling in my own bath, cleaning myself. I tend to do a really good bath on a Sunday so I'm all refreshed for my new week and I'm all relaxed, ready for bed. Not a bath person? Not to worry... Here are my top 5 ways to really enjoy your bath...

1. Set Aside the TimeThere is nothing worse when trying to relax when you're on a time limit, therefore set aside about an hour to really help you chill. What I've done is to put an episode of a TV series I'm currently loving on my laptop facing the bath which is usually around 40 minutes anyway so I tend to do my bits at the beginning of the bath, then press play and that gives me a good 40 minutes of just chilling.

2. Light that Candle
I love having a candle lit by my bath as it just makes it feel so much more luxurious and just sets the mood as well. If you have a dimmer light even better, unfortunately I don't so it's still full lite but the candle just adds something a little extra and I think depending on the scent it can really set a nice relaxing atmosphere.

3. Do your Hair Before
I try to wash my hair seperately before I get into the bath - luckily I have a combo shower/bath so I do a quick hair wash and condition and then jump in the bath (no literally obviously...). This way you don't have to worry about dunking your hair under or really trying to make sure you get everything on and off again as it can be a pain, especially if you have long thick hair like me!

4. Bomb it Out
I have fallen completely in love with bath bombs, or bubble bars lately and I find that if you get some great ones they can really soften you skin and make such a difference. My favourite are, of course, from Lush and I get very excited to use these and the natural ingredients really lend a hand with making your bath more relaxing and luxuorious.

5. Refresh Yourself
When I have about 10 minutes left I put a lovely face mask on to help completely refresh my skin and get it ready for the week. Not only that but the bath is where I do my weekly body exfoliate and just all those bits and pieces that you only need to do once a week. I do the majority in the first 10 minutes, but the mask is my final countdown.

How do you ensure you love your bath?

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