21 January 2017

Evita UK Tour

I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who loves going to the theatre. I really don't get to do it enough, but I also love the experience of being there, in the moment, and really losing myself. As much as I love the cinema, it's not quite the same. Evident by the fact that when I went to see Evita earlier this week I actually went "oh!" out loud when real people started moving on stage. Yup. That was me. At the cinema you can loose yourself, but distractions are always there. Whereas at the theatre, you're involved, you're pulled into the moment and you're hooked. And I love it. 

When my bestie asked if I wanted to go and see Evita with her I was a little torn. On the one hand I really wanted to go see a show, and to do something fun and different with her. On the other hand, I'd never been that bothered about Evita - it was just a film Madonna starred in right? Oh wrong, so very very wrong.

I'm so incredibly glad I said yes.

Evita is the story of Eva Perone, who was First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952. The musical, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice (dream), follows her from when she was 15, all through her rise to power. She soon became the spiritual leader of Argentina. Now, for me I'd never really paid much attention to the story before, or the fact is was based on history. But when I sat in that theatre I was engrossed, and inspired as well. Yes, at times I felt she was a bit manipulative and self centred, but what she did and what she achieved was outstanding in her time. The live musical is so much more captivating than the film, I was completely won over.

Not only that but the songs - oh my god the songs. First of all, I was least looking forward to see Don't Cry for Me Argentina, as I've heard it so many times I was a bit bored. However, hearing Emma Hatton bring it to life was spell binding, I actually got shivers. It was incredibly moving, and beautiful. I'm such a novice when it comes to musical theatre, I had no idea who Emma Hatton was, but when I saw she used  to be Elphaba from Wicked it totally made sense, and I fell in love with her even more. I may have a girl crush. And a man crush on Gian Marco Schiaretti, who played Che. Major crush. But he also had the most incredible voice, and was amazing.

I went to the Mayflower in Southampton to see the show, however it's on tour at the moment around the UK, so I'd highly recommend trying to get tickets to see the show near you if you can. You can find out more here, but it's amazing. Go and see it! It's such a good night out with the bestie as well, definitely check it out. I'm on the look out for more shows, so if you can recommend one please do!

Much love, Lisa May

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  1. Is it bad I've never actually seen Evita? Would love to tho! x

  2. I would so recommend it! I really want to watch the film again now haha. Definitely check it out!


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